Friday, March 22, 2013

Prompt #3 Relating to Big Idea 4

On Pages 175-176, Maolem describes the drug azacitidine which treats myelodysplastic syndrome, also known as MDS. Azacitidine demethylates certain genes in blood cells to restore gene expression. The interaction between azacitidine and the DNA of blood cells relates to Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.

Research a gene that is methylated and how its methylation causes MDS. Describe specifically how azacitidine demethylates this gene.
Next, research another disease or disorder that is also caused by DNA methylation and how a drug is used to treat it. Compare these results and explain whether or not this information can be used to find cures to other diseases caused by DNA methylation.
Finally, state whether or not demethylation of DNA could be a bad thing and why. References to DNA, gene expression, and cells are recommended.

(Name: Will Han email:

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