Sunday, March 10, 2013

Big idea # 1 and how evolution might benefit humanity
On pages 118-123 Moalem discusses how how evolution selects for the virulence of pathogens. This relates directly to big idea # 1 (The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life). Evolution turns certain pathogens into diseases that will likely never kill many humans, while other pathogens can kill entire sections of a population. Near the end of the section Moalem brings up the idea that the ways that pathogens evolve could be used to turn deadly pathogens into less harmful ones.
In your response discuss in what ways antibiotics and other methods humans use to treat disease may be creating more problems for humanity. In addition research a specific disease that is causing problems for humans, like malaria or cholera, and explain in what ways treatment could be altered in order to alter the evolution of the specific pathogen. Also explain whether this is a practical solution or one that is not feasible in the modern day environment. Lastly, consider humanities symbiotic relationship with pathogens and how this effects both groups.
( Tom Shaw


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  4. If a person gets a bacterial infection, they are sometimes given antibiotics to kill the bacteria and prevent it from reproducing inside the body. Usually, the bacteria is killed and the person becomes healthy again. However, this could also have a negative effect on future patients because of natural selection. This is Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. The result that might happen from the use of antibiotics is that, over time, we might find that there is antibiotic-resistant, well-adapted bacteria in the patient. This is because there is variation in the bacterial population, meaning that there are bacteria that are not resistant or those that might already be resistant. During the initial treatment of antibiotics on the patient, by chance, a bacteria in the colony might have had a mutation which allowed it to survive in the antibiotic, so it had the opportunity to reproduce. The resistant bacteria will pass on its genes to its daughter cells through mitosis and soon there will be more and more bacteria with antibiotic-resistant genes. The antibody is the selection pressure. While the "normal" bacteria died off, the mutated, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are the only ones left. Normally evolution takes a very long time, but the effects of natural selection is clearly seen here because bacteria can reproduce very quickly. Thus, there are many generations within a short amount of time. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria is not a good thing because we cannot use the same antibiotic on it, so we have to make new medicine. This could lead to a sort of “arms race” between humans and the bacteria.

    On page 118 of one of the most interesting books I have ever read, it talks about one of Biologist Paul Ewalds’ ideas: that we can prevent an arms race by manipulating our environment so that the pathogens that are less harmful will have an evolutionary advantage. For example, malaria is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes that can result in death. So, it is to our benefit if this disease is less harmful. Page 121 suggests a solution for this. We can limit the exposure of bed-ridden malaria patients to mosquitoes through the use of mosquito nets. The result of this is that the “weaker” malaria parasites will have an evolutionary advantage and a higher chance to pass on its genes because the patient will be more mobile and able to come in contact with other mosquitoes. This weaker parasite will then be the one that is passed on. Mosquito nets are a highly feasible solution even in third world countries because it is inexpensive and easy to produce.

    Pathogens and humans have a parasitic relationship. This means that one partner benefits at the cost of the other. In malaria’s case, the parasite is the leech. The parasite will continue to reproduce within the host and use up the resources within the body. The host does not benefit at all and even gets hurt from this relationship. In this way, the parasite thrives at the cost of the host.
    (Hugo Lee;


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