Sunday, March 10, 2013

Prompt 1, Hypertension-African Americans-Big Idea 4

On pages 64-65, Maolem states how twice as many African Americans have Hypertension compared to the rest of the population in the United States. This is because when African Americans were taken to America through the slave trade, those with higher salt levels were able to decrease their risk of dehydration, and thus survive. It is commonly recognized that salt is a factor that will increase or decrease blood pressure, depending on the amount consumed. Many people think salt is bad for the body, always saying to limit the amount of salt in a diet. However salt is also good. It regulates both fluid balance as well as nerve cell function. As salt is regulating these 2 factors, it relates to Big Idea 4.

Choose one of the factors that salt regulates and explain how salt plays a part in it. What would happen to these if there was either too much or too little salt? Also, take a stance on the argument that the African Americans that were brought forcefully to America in the 1800's is the cause of the increased rate of hypertension in the African American community compared to the rest of the population.

(Name- Ray Lee, Email- )

1 comment:

  1. In my research concerning the regulation of fluid balance in relation to sodium intake, I found out that they are so closely related because as one article called them, they are "bosom buddies". This name was given to them because where sodium goes, water follows. Therefore, ingesting too much salt can cause your body to retain more water that normal.

    This relates to Big Idea 4 stating that biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties. Sodium interacts with various biological systems which possess complex properties and functions.

    Hormonal and nervous system controls act on your kidney which attempts to regulate sodium retention or excretion. In turn, this is aiming to retain a constant level of salt in your bloodstream. Therefore if you have kidney disease or heart failure, you may retain more water than normal.

    With the ingestion of excess salt, your kidneys retain so much water that your blood volume increases, which may increase your blood pressure. On the other hand, if your diet lacks sodium, then your body will not retain as much water as expected and you may be subject to dehydration or a condition called Hyponatremia. Sodium is required for basic cell function, maintaining a healthy blood pressure, nerve function and muscle function.

    Therefore, similarly to my last response concerning soy, I believe that moderation is key. Sodium is necessary for various bodily processes but to much can be harmful.

    Lastly, I agree with the statement made by Dr. Maolem concerning the tendency of hypertension to be more common in the African American community as compared to the rest of the population. I think that his reasoning adds up and makes sense that the reason this condition has survived through evolution is because those with high contents or salt survived the brutal ship ride over to the Americas.

    Journal Source:
    Fluid and Electrolyte Balance from Berkeley Education

    (Dana Morgan,


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